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New York State Thoracic Society

Abstract Submission

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Conference Dates: March 20th/21st 2025
Submission Deadline: January 6th, 2025

Fellow's forum Abstract Submission InstructionsPoster Competition Submission Instructions

The Ravi Rajmane Abstract and Poster Competition

Each year, the New York State Thoracic Society (NYSTS) holds an abstract and poster competition for all residents in Internal Medicine and fellows in Pulmonary and Critical Care training programs.  The case reports should be challenging or unusual pulmonary, critical care, or sleep problems, while research abstracts can include original investigative work, quality improvement projects or patient care initiatives that are resident driven and related to the field of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine.  The poster session provides a great opportunity for trainees to gain valuable exposure and experience presenting at a state level meeting.  Trainees will receive direct feedback from an interdisciplinary mix of pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine specialists.  The top case reports and research poster presentations will be granted a monetary reward based on scores by specially appointed judges.

In 2019 the Executive Committee of the New York State Thoracic Society named the annual abstract and poster competition in honor of Dr. Ravindra Rajmane.  

Dr. Rajmane served on the NYSTS Executive Committee first as Program Chair in 2007-2008.  His first year on the committee proved challenging as he endlessly searched for a venue to hold the annual meeting.  In 2009-2010 he stepped in a year early to serve as President when a member stepped down.  He graciously served again in 2010-2011 for his original term.  Ravi also served as the New York state Chapter Representative to the American Thoracic Society from 2015-2018.  Just prior to his death Ravi was also granted the distinction of ATS Fellow. Throughout his career, he was committed to medical education, and served as a mentor to many trainees.

In addition to the NYSTS poster session, the ATS has a session in his honor at the annual conference - Great Cases: Clinical, Radiologic, And Pathologic Correlations By Master Physicians - Ravindra Rajmane, MD Memorial Symposium.  He was not only a vital member of the NYSTS but also the ATS.

During these years, Ravi helped to ensure that our chapter remained a vital organization for pulmonary and critical care physicians throughout New York State.  His commitment he put into everything he accomplished and the passion in doing so knew no limitations. He will be missed, and he will always be remembered.

Fellow's Forum

The Fellows Forum is a multidisciplinary case presentation session that includes case presentations by the fellow, radiographic interpretation by a guest attending radiologist and pathology review by a guest attending pathologist. The cases should be interesting, challenging, or unusual pulmonary problems.

There will be 3 case presentations picked each year from fellows within a Pulmonary Critical Care, Critical Care, or Pulmonary fellowship in New York or the surrounding areas.